April 20, 2018 Digital Hub Update

By Scribe Inc.


Digital Hub Updates

Round-Tripping of Alternate Text

Alternate text encoded in images in ScML files will be round-tripped to and from Word files with an extended figure callout format. An upcoming update to Scribe Tools will include image placement tools that make it easier to embed alternate text directly into images when working in InDesign, making it possible to keep your images and alternate text together at all stages of the publishing process.

Linking Figure Table of Contents Entries

If your title has a chapter that functions as a list of figures or a table index, the Hub will attempt to link any <tocill> paragraphs to the appropriate content based on matching similar <figh> and <th> text. This will only work if you do not choose to rebuild the table of contents in the Hub.

Accessibility Discovery Metadata

The Hub now features additional accessibility metadata required to create discoverable ePub 3 publications. While the task of designing an accessible ePub 3 remains a human-driven process, providing this discovery data helps alert potential readers to the accommodations present in an e-book.

Access Mode

Select the human sensory systems needed to fully perceive the content as designed. This is a requirement for discoverable ePub 3 publications.

Accessibility Features

Select the features of your ebook that make your content accessible to readers with specific needs. All ePub 3 files by the Hub have the "Table of Contents" accessibility feature selected. Listing accessibility features is a requirement for discoverable ePub 3 publications.

Accessibility Summary

Provide a human-readable summary of your ePub's accessibility or lack of accessibility. List your compliance with certain web and ebook accessibility standards. Providing an accessibility summary is a requirement for discoverable ePub 3 publications.

Accessibility Hazards

The ePubs produced by the Hub do not have any hazards that would cause harm to readers. All ePub 3 files produced in the Hub will signal that they do not have any hazards (such as loud noises or flashing lights). If, however, you manually insert video or audio, you must remove or alter this data in the OPF file to accurately warn your readers of any risks they may encounter. Listing accessibility hazards is a requirement for discoverable ePub 3 publications.

Sufficient Access Mode

The human sensory systems needed to fully perceive the content once accessibility accommodations have been considered. A book with figures and text would have both "textual" and "visual" as its access modes. But if the figures have alternate text, the sufficient access mode would be "textual," as a person who was blind or with other sight impairments could still access the content. This is a recommended feature for discoverable ePub 3 publications.

Added @print Attribute for Typesetters

A new @print attribute can be used in paragraph and character styles in ScML files to trigger automatic style conversions when going from ScML to IDTT. Typesetters sometimes require additional alternate paragraph or character styles that have visual–but not structural–distinctions. While typesetters may prefer to handle this in InDesign, others may prefer to do this in a text editor using regular expressions. In an ScML file, <slf print="slf-altcenter"> will become a new paragraph style "slf-altcenter" in the IDTT file. The print style should always be an ScML-compliant InDesign name if you are using Scribe Tools to extract the final book for conversion in the Digital Hub.