August 13, 2024 SAI Update

By Scribe Inc.


An update to the SAI has been released. See the SAI installation documentation page for instructions on updating or installing this package.


  • This tool will now give a warning when running rendering cleanups on a file with fields.
  • A bug where the content controls cleanup would not delete all content controls has been fixed.

Note Manager

  • Italics are now preserved when adding a-heads to notes.
  • The warnings will no longer incorrectly report different note numbering styles.

Restrict Editing

  • The ability to restrict editing on all files in a given folder has been added.
  • Passwords are now restricted to fifteen characters to match Word’s built-in limitations.
  • Paste-from-clipboard buttons have been added for Mac users.

Vet File

  • This report now includes a count for images with embedded alt text.
  • A bug where content controls in embedded notes were not counted has been fixed.

Other Improvements

  • ScML Update: The new ScML styles have been added to the default style galleries, and long description structure tags are now available in the Structure Indicators drop-down menu.
  • Change Base Font: This tool now includes the option to impose a roman base font on bold paragraphs.
  • Insert Image: The character limit on alt text has been removed. The character count indicator will change color if the number exceeds 150 as a general alert.
  • File Check: Comments about outdated queries will no longer be included.
  • Index Assistant: A bug with indenting subentries in the tool display has been fixed.
  • Title case tools will no longer expect articles after em dashes to be capitalized.
  • Error reporting for style galleries and custom searches has been improved.