Updates to the Well-Formed Document Workflow

Latest Releases

July 15, 2024 ScML Update

By Scribe Inc.

Scribe has released major updates to ScML and the Digital Hub. Dozens of new paragraph and character styles have been added to help format your publications, and the Digital Hub has added features to improve the accessibility of e-books produced.

Configuring/Installing Updates

All Well-Formed Document Workflow (WFDW) users will need to update their local resources in order to use the new ScML styles.

Log in to scribenet.com and go to the downloads page to access the updated tools and resources

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December 14, 2023 SAI Update

By Scribe Inc.

An update to the SAI has been released. See the SAI installation documentation page for instructions on updating or installing this package.

Check Hyphenated Terms

A Check Hyphenated Terms tool has been added under the Auto-Edit button in the SAI ribbon. This new tool checks the document for any hyphenated terms that also show up unhyphenated. It displays how many instances there are of each variation of a particular term and enables the user to adjust hyphenation either globally or for specific

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The Digital Hub and Scribe Tools for InDesign both received an update this week. The Scribe Tools update contains several new tools, while both updates look to improve how language metadata is handled throughout the Well-Formed Document Workflow.

Major Scribe Tools Updates

Scribe Tools contains a number of new tools.

  • Highlight Missing Soft Return Spaces: Applies a condition that highlights cases in which soft returns may be missing the required space before them or the space is on the wrong

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July 31, 2023 Digital Hub Update

By Scribe Inc.

Digital Hub ePub Accessibility Improvements

Several accessibility improvements have been made to ePubs produced in the Digital Hub. Many of these improvements will be applied automatically to all ePub 3 books produced in the Hub, while others need to be specified in the Hub project record to be included in the output.

Reflecting the growing importance of accessibility in digital publishing, accessibility metadata has been moved into its own dedicated tab on the project page.

Markup Improvements

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May 30, 2023 SAI Update

By Scribe Inc.

An update to the SAI has been released. See the SAI installation documentation page for instructions on updating or installing this package.

Change Base Font

The Change Base Font tool has been added next to the “Cleanup” button in the SAI ribbon. This tool imposes roman base font on text so that italic text becomes roman and roman text becomes italic. There are two ways to apply this change:

  • Impose on Selected Paragraphs: Select text in the paragraphs where you want to impose roman base font

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May 10, 2023 Digital Hub Update

By Scribe Inc.

Redesign of the Digital Hub

The Digital Hub is undergoing a visual redesign to improve the user experience of the Well-Formed Document Workflow. This redesign aims to reduce the amount of scrolling, make navigation more intuitive, and make critical information and alerts more apparent to users.

  • A new sidebar has been added to make navigation between different parts of the Hub easier.
  • Projects will show conversion alerts in a pop-up window when file conversions are completed. These and all

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February 09, 2023 Digital Hub Update

By Scribe Inc.

Throughout the winter, the Digital Hub has been updated to improve the quality of the files and reports it produces.

New Hub Checks

  • Special Characters Issues: Several checks will warn about special Unicode characters that are often mistakenly used in place of much more common characters. These warnings provide recommendations about the best way to handle these characters within most projects.
  • Table of Contents Link Order: ScML files with linked TOCs will warn when the order of the linked content

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November 29, 2022 SAI and Scribe Tools Update

By Scribe Inc.

A major update to the SAI and a minor update to the Scribe Tools for InDesign have been released. See the SAI installation and Scribe Tools documentation pages for instructions on updating or installing these packages.

SAI Updates

Check Title Case by Style

A new title case–checking tool has been added below the “Title Case” button in the SAI ribbon. This new tool checks all instances of selected ScML paragraph and character styles for title case conformance and adds comments to the document where

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