Updates to the Well-Formed Document Workflow

Latest Releases

July 20, 2020 Major SAI Lite Update

By Scribe Inc.

A major update of the SAI Lite has been released that fundamentally alters this free version of the SAI software. Because the SAI Lite was developed independently from the SAI, previous versions had different menus and tool functionality. We have rewritten the SAI Lite so that the user experience now mirrors the full SAI. While the expansive reporting and cleanup tools of the full SAI remain exclusive features for our Well-Formed Document Workflow (WFDW) subscribers, this new SAI Lite offers users

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May 18, 2020 SAI Update

By Scribe Inc.

This update improves several features throughout the SAI.

View Text in Black / View Text in Color

This new feature toggles whether the ScML template should use the native colors of the ScML template or whether character style text should display as black.

Custom Find and Replace: Find Previous

A “Find Previous” button has been added to the search window to allow you to search up in a document.

Create or Delete AutoText Entry

You can use the SAI’s query tool to create or delete AutoText for

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March 5, 2020 Scribe Tools for InDesign Update

By Scribe Inc.

A new Scribe Tools for InDesign update streamlines the process of creating linked Web PDFs with the addition of three new tools for preparing InDesign files. This update also includes other new features.

Web PDF Tools

  • Add Cover Page: Select cover page and insert it into a new section at the front of the book.
  • Add TOC Links: Link toc paragraphs to the page number indicated.
  • Add Bookmarks: Add bookmarks based on where chapter, part, and unit header styles appear in the document. Use interactive

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January 23, 2020 Digital Hub Update

By Scribe Inc.

Digital Hub Accessibility Updates

The Digital Hub has been updated to improve the accessibility of e-books produced by the Hub. To those ends, Hub conversions from ScML to ePub 3 and HTML will produce HTML that differs from past output in a number of ways. Users relying on customized CSS files should insert the following into their files to prevent the new HTML from showing horizontal rule elements added for accessibility reasons. Scribe’s default CSS has already been updated to include the line

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Scribe Tools for InDesign has been updated to fix a critical footnote compatibility issue between Scribe Tools and the recently released InDesign 2020. In addition, this update contains a number of other minor bug fixes and feature improvements.

New Typesetting Style Convention

Scribe has added a new type of typesetting-only character style. The tsnomap style can be used when a character style does not need to be preserved in the XML, but the textual content does. Text with tsnomap applied will

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November 4, 2019 Minor Update to SAI

By Scribe Inc.

A new update to the SAI has been released to fix minor bugs and improve features in the following ways:

  • A paste button has been added to the Insert Image tool on Mac for improved compatibility with Word 2016 and later.
  • Articulate Paragraphs from Blanks will now convert the p paragraphs preceded by a blank to psec instead of pf.
  • Dash cleanup will now convert the hyphen Unicode character (2010) to hyphen-minus (002D) or to the appropriate dash.
  • Fields cleanup has been removed from the default

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July 12, 2019 SAI Update

By Scribe Inc.

SAI Updates

The latest version of the SAI includes a number of new features, user interface improvements, and bug fixes.

SAI’s Find and Replace Redesign

This tool has been expanded so that users can add as many searches as they want to a Find/Replace routine. Additional options allow you to test individual searches in the document prior to running all find/replace routines. See our updated feature documentation.

Import and Export Scribe Settings

Saved Style Galleries, Find/Replace routines,

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October 2018 Scribe Tools for InDesign Update

By Scribe Inc.

Scribe Tools for InDesign Update

  • Review Centering Settings reviews the document’s paragraph styles for centered styles that may not be truly centered within their text frames.
  • Apply Center/Right-Aligning Tabs to Paragraph Style applies tab stop settings to the selected paragraph style. This tool is particularly useful for setting up running heads but can be used for any style that requires a center-aligning tab and a right-aligning tab.
  • Batch Find and Replace performs several case-sensitive

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