Produce a web PDF from an InDesign or PDF source.
- Adobe InDesign
- Adobe Acrobat
- Scribe Tools for InDesign
Scribe’s standard web PDF is the print PDF with bookmarks added for each entry in the table of contents and all major sections, a linked table of contents, and output without crop marks and images saved down to 150 dpi. If an ScML-compliant InDesign file is available, this should be done in InDesign. This is the recommended method. If the source file is only a PDF, then a web PDF can be created using Acrobat (Creative Cloud versions). If long descriptions are needed, additional steps are need to update the table of contents and add the long descriptions to the end of the file.
Creating a Web PDF in InDesign
Getting Started
If the InDesign files are available for a project, the bookmarks and hyperlinks should be added in a duplicate InDesign file. Make a copy of the final print file, saved as the project name with “-web” appended to the end. Before starting, check that all images and fonts are present and spot check the InDesign file against the final print PDF to confirm there is no reflow.
Add Cover Page
- In Scribe Tools, go to .
- Load the cover image. If a cover is not available, click to insert a blank page “Cov-1.”
- Add alt text (short description) to the cover image. Right click on the image frame and select . For , select and add “Cover Page for [Book Title]” as the alt text.
Add Bookmarks in InDesign
- Go to .
- Answer the prompt about whether to insert words like “Chapter” and “Part” in the bookmark names.
- Answer the prompt about whether to include ah/ahaft as bookmarks.
- Review the Bookmarks list. Modify bookmark names and page numbers as appropriate. Run GREP replacements on bookmark names if the project has custom requirements. Click when finished.
Reviewing Bookmarks in InDesign
To view the bookmarks, go to
.- Check that bookmarks are all present and named correctly.
- All entries should match the table of contents (add a period after the chapter number if there is no punctuation between cn/ct).
- The title page should be named “Title Page” and copyright page “Copyright Page.”
- Any other chapters not included in the table of contents should have their names match their chapter titles.
- Use the panel to nest bookmark entries if required.
Add URL Links
If required, add URL links.
- Go to .
- In the menu, review the list of generated hyperlinks. If any should be removed, delete them.
Add Endnote Links
Add links between endnote numbers and endnote references.
- Go to .
- In the menu, review the list of generated hyperlinks.
Add Hyperlinks to the TOC
- Go to .
- Confirm all links resolve to a real page in the menu.
Add Metadata
- Go to .
- Type the title and author names or use the button to load the fields with the text from the bk, bk1, and bkau paragraph styles.
Remove Alt Text from Decorative Images
- Go to .
- This will delete the word “PRESENTATION” from any decorative image that does not require a short description. In these instances, the alt text field should be blank.
Output the PDF
- Install the Adobe PDF Preset web-pdf-output-v1 (included in the Scribe Tools for InDesign download). Go to .
- To export the PDF, go to .
- Review the PDF using the Web PDF QC Checklist. Note: All links and bookmarks will have a zoom setting of “Zoom to Page Level” in Acrobat.
Remove Blanks from End
If the PDF has blank pages at the end, delete them.
Creating a Web PDF in Acrobat
Getting Started
If InDesign files are not available for a project, the bookmarks and hyperlinks must be added to the PDF using Acrobat Pro. Make a copy of the final print PDF, saved as the project name with “-web” appended to the end.
Add Bookmarks in the PDF
Set the PDF to “Zoom to Page Level” in single page view (not scrolling).
Add each bookmark manually to the PDF. In addition to chapter titles, bookmark major sections (minimally: Cover Page, Title Page, and Copyright Page).
- Open the menu in the panel on the far left of the PDF. (If the menu is not visible, click on the gray bar with a right pointing arrow. If the menu is not in this panel, right click and choose .)
- Navigate to the first page for which a bookmark is needed (this should be the cover page).
- If the bookmark name should match something on the page (e.g., the chapter title), highlight that text.
- Click on the button and adjust the name if necessary.
- Repeat this for every bookmark needed.
- Rearrange the bookmarks so that entries are properly nested, as needed. Drag each bookmark and drop it on the entry that it should be nested within.
- Check any bookmarks that contain hyphens, en dashes, or em dashes. There may be nonbreaking characters following them that will appear as double dashes when viewed on a PC. Replace by backspacing from the word that follows it or retyping the hyphen, en dash, or em dash.
Add Hyperlinks in the PDF
Set the PDF to “Zoom to Page Level” in single page view (not scrolling).
To link the table of contents, add hyperlinks to each entry:
- Open the menu in the panel on the far right of the PDF. (If the menu is not visible, click on the gray bar with a right pointing arrow. If the menu is not in the right panel, click on and click on .)
- At the top of the screen, click on the Link button and choose .
- Click on the PDF near the entry to be linked and drag the cursor so that the entire paragraph, including the page number, is within the box.
- In the menu, change the to .
- Select and click .
- Navigate to the page to which the link should point and click . (Note: View in single page mode.)
- Repeat for all entries in the TOC.
Adding the Cover and Adjusting the PDF
Add the Cover
If the front cover is cropped to the book’s trim size, add the file to the PDF.
- Click on the menu in the panel on the far left of the PDF. (If the menu is not visible, click on the gray bar with a right pointing arrow. If the menu is not in this panel, right click and choose .)
- Right click on the first page in the book and select .
- Navigate to the cover’s location and select .
- Choose in the drop-down menu and under and click .
- Right click on the cover page in the menu and select .
- Under add as the Prefix and click . Set the cover page to be .
- If there are any other pages before the roman numeral front matter pages, right click on the first page after the cover in the menu and select .
- Under add and click .
- Add alt text (short description) to the cover image. Go to and add “Cover Page for [Book Title]” as the alt text.
To crop out a front cover from a full jacket file:
- Click on the menu in the panel on the far left of the PDF. (If the menu is not visible, click on the gray bar with a right pointing arrow. If the menu is not in this panel, right click and choose .)
- Right click on any page and select .
- Adjust the Top/Bottom/Left/Right values so that only the front cover is within the crop box (the underneath the image on the right must match the trim size).
- Click and save the file.
- Follow the steps for adding the cover page.
Adjust the PDF
Crop the pages to the correct trim size (if necessary) and reduce the size of the PDF so that it can be navigated quickly.
- Click on the menu in the panel on the far left of the PDF. (If the menu is not visible, click on the gray bar with a right pointing arrow. If the menu is not in this panel, right click and choose .)
- Right click on any page and select .
- Adjust the Top/Bottom/Left/Right values so that the underneath the image on the right matches the trim size.
- Select in the box on the bottom right and click .
- Go to and select .
- In the section, change the ppi to 150 for all image types.
- Click and choose to overwrite the web PDF.
Remove Blanks from End
If the PDF has blank pages at the end, delete them.
Add Metadata to the PDF
Add metadata to the PDF through the properties window.
- Go to .
- In the window, add the book’s full title and author information.
- If required, further information can be entered at this time (e.g., subject, keywords). Click for more fields.
Web PDF QC Checklist
All web PDFs should include the book title and author name at a minimum.
Alt Text
Check that each image includes the corresponding alt text.
The word “PRESENTATION” should not be included in a Web PDF.
All TOC entries should be included as well as any major sections not listed in the TOC.
Include: Cover Page, Title Page, Copyright Page, back matter series pages, and any other back matter sections, like an About the Author page.
Scribe default is not to include the front matter series page, dedications, or epigraphs.
If possible, review bookmarks on both a Mac and a PC. Characters like nonbreaking spaces can render differently on different systems.
Check any bookmarks that contain hyphens, en dashes, or em dashes. There may be nonbreaking characters following them that will appear as double dashes when viewed on a PC.
Table of Contents Links
Image Size
Use Acrobat preflight to check that images are 150 ppi.
Print PDF Comparisons
When adding the hyperlinks on the TOC page in InDesign, it creates a “Hyperlink” character style, for example, that may overwrite an existing style.
Blank pages at the end of the PDF should be removed.
Compare with the half title page, title page, and copyright page in particular.
URLs that had breaking characters inserted in InDesign may result in Acrobat linking to URL fragments. To prevent this, Scribe Tools for InDesign should be used to generate hyperlinks.
Endnote Links
For web PDFs created from WFDW InDesign files: Traditional notes (in a back matter Notes section) will have reciprocal links; blind notes will be one-way links from the endnote to the body page.
Pagination should be Cov-1 for the cover; A, B, C, and so on for preliminary pages; roman and arabic numerals for the standard front matter and body pages.
Accessibility Checks
Use the default settings for this check.
Document Issue: Title - Failed
If Accessibility Check in Acrobat indicates this issue, right click on the error and select “Fix.”
Page Content Issue: Tab Order - Failed
If Accessibility Check in Acrobat indicates this issue, it can be fixed in the Page Thumbnails panel.
- Open the panel in Acrobat.
- Use to select all of the pages in the document.
- Right click on one of the pages and select .
- Select under .
- Save the PDF and rerun the check.
If Endnotes Do Not Link
If endnotes do not link in the web PDF, this may be due to the use of
in the settings of the paragraph styles. Set this to and confirm there is no reflow before outputting the web PDF.