
Accept Changes QC

Check the following to confirm the quality of copyedited files with track changes accepted/rejected.

Note: Some checklist items are intentionally vague, to be used as catch-all checks, or may not be applicable to a particular project.

Consult the appropriate style guide (CMS, APA) as well as individual publisher guidelines and project specifications.

File Type and File Naming


This includes proper style usage and presence of structure indicators as needed.


Special Characters and Digital Hub Conversion Alerts

Upload the .docx file to the Digital Hub to view a list of all special characters in the document.

Example: Processing to another file format may reveal mismatches in footnotes or endnotes.

If footnotes are used, the counts of fn, fnnum, and fnrefs should match.

If endnotes are used, the counts of en, ennum, and enrefs should match.

Content Presence and Order

Examples: copyright, design credits, and index content often come later in the publishing process.

Note: The Mark for Editing tool is also used for other checklist items.

Design and Series Consistency

If a new design is being created, the copyediting choices should be coordinated with the design choices (and vice versa).

Examples: Confirm if chapter numbers should be numerals or spelled out; confirm that elements and phrasing are handled consistently across a series.

Front Matter

The TOC should include TK materials like the index.

TOC listings should match chapter titles and heads in the body for wording, italics or other character style variations, and capitalization.

Note: Publishing conventions can result in some valid mismatches, such as “List of Figures” in a TOC pairing with “Figures” as the chapter title in the book.

Rendering (General)

Are there any colors present that are not part of the Scribe Word template?

Example: If poetry or written language content requires special alignment in a typeset or ebook, instructions should be noted and a reference file provided.


Block Quotations and Run-in Quotations



Are there query marks or comments that should not be present?

Spell Check


Check for unmatched paired punctuation.

Check for missing paragraph-ending punctuation.

Figures and Illustrations

Tables and Tabs

Multiple tabs should not be used to force alignment within Word.

Recurring Elements

Examples: sidebars, pull quotes, boxes

Bibliography/References, Notes, and Glossaries


Examples: em dashes, en dashes, or spaces.

Convert the file to .sam and run the following regular expression.

ISBNs and Phone Numbers

This search will find ISBNs that use hyphens and/or dashes in a .sam file:


Examples: page, chapter, section, figure, table, part